
DOI Documentation Status

DoubletDetection is a Python3 package to detect doublets (technical errors) in single-cell RNA-seq count matrices.

Installing DoubletDetection

git clone
cd DoubletDetection
pip3 install .

If you are using pipenv as your virtual environment, it may struggle installing from the due to our custom Phenograph requirement. If so, try the following in the cloned repo:

pipenv run pip3 install .

Running DoubletDetection

To run basic doublet classification:

import doubletdetection
clf = doubletdetection.BoostClassifier()
# raw_counts is a cells by genes count matrix
labels =
  • raw_counts is a scRNA-seq count matrix (cells by genes), and is array-like
  • labels is a 1-dimensional numpy ndarray with the value 1 representing a detected doublet, 0 a singlet, and np.nan an ambiguous cell.

The classifier works best when

  • There are several cell types present in the data
  • It is applied individually to each run in an aggregated count matrix

In v2.5 we have added a new experimental clustering method (scanpy’s Louvain clustering) that is much faster than phenograph. We are still validating results from this new clustering. Please see the notebook below for an example of using this new feature.

See our jupyter notebook for an example on 8k PBMCs from 10x.

Obtaining data

Data can be downloaded from the 10x website.


bioRxiv submission and journal publication expected in the coming months. Please use the following for now:

Gayoso, Adam, & Shor, Jonathan. (2018, July 17). DoubletDetection (Version v2.4). Zenodo.

This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.

Indices and tables