Source code for doubletdetection.doubletdetection

"""Doublet detection in single-cell RNA-seq data."""

import collections
import warnings

import anndata
import numpy as np
import phenograph
import scipy.sparse as sp_sparse
import tables
import scanpy as sc
from import mmread
from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix
from scipy.stats import hypergeom
from sklearn.utils import check_array
from sklearn.utils.sparsefuncs_fast import inplace_csr_row_normalize_l1
from import tqdm

[docs]def load_10x_h5(file, genome): """Load count matrix in 10x H5 format Adapted from: pipelines/latest/advanced/h5_matrices Args: file (str): Path to H5 file genome (str): genome, top level h5 group Returns: ndarray: Raw count matrix. ndarray: Barcodes ndarray: Gene names """ with tables.open_file(file, "r") as f: try: group = f.get_node(f.root, genome) except tables.NoSuchNodeError: print("That genome does not exist in this file.") return None # gene_ids = getattr(group, 'genes').read() gene_names = getattr(group, "gene_names").read() barcodes = getattr(group, "barcodes").read() data = getattr(group, "data").read() indices = getattr(group, "indices").read() indptr = getattr(group, "indptr").read() shape = getattr(group, "shape").read() matrix = sp_sparse.csc_matrix((data, indices, indptr), shape=shape) return matrix, barcodes, gene_names
[docs]def load_mtx(file): """Load count matrix in mtx format Args: file (str): Path to mtx file Returns: ndarray: Raw count matrix. """ raw_counts = np.transpose(mmread(file)) return raw_counts.tocsc()
[docs]class BoostClassifier: """Classifier for doublets in single-cell RNA-seq data. Parameters: boost_rate (float, optional): Proportion of cell population size to produce as synthetic doublets. n_components (int, optional): Number of principal components used for clustering. n_top_var_genes (int, optional): Number of highest variance genes to use; other genes discarded. Will use all genes when zero. replace (bool, optional): If False, a cell will be selected as a synthetic doublet's parent no more than once. use_phenograph (bool, optional): Set to False to disable PhenoGraph clustering in exchange for louvain clustering implemented in scanpy. Defaults to True. phenograph_parameters (dict, optional): Parameter dict to pass directly to PhenoGraph. Note that we change the PhenoGraph 'prune' default to True; you must specifically include 'prune': False here to change this. Only used when use_phenograph is True. n_iters (int, optional): Number of fit operations from which to collect p-values. Defualt value is 25. normalizer ((sp_sparse) -> ndarray): Method to normalize raw_counts. Defaults to normalize_counts, included in this package. Note: To use normalize_counts with its pseudocount parameter changed from the default 0.1 value to some positive float `new_var`, use: normalizer=lambda counts: doubletdetection.normalize_counts(counts, pseudocount=new_var) random_state (int, optional): If provided, passed to PCA and used to seedrandom seed numpy's RNG. NOTE: PhenoGraph does not currently admit a random seed, and so this will not guarantee identical results across runs. verbose (bool, optional): Set to False to silence all normal operation informational messages. Defaults to True. standard_scaling (bool, optional): Set to True to enable standard scaling of normalized count matrix prior to PCA. Recommended when not using Phenograph. Defaults to False. Attributes: all_log_p_values_ (ndarray): Hypergeometric test natural log p-value per cell for cluster enrichment of synthetic doublets. Shape (n_iters, num_cells). all_p_values_ (ndarray): DEPRECATED. Exponentiated all_log_p_values. Due to rounding point errors, use of all_log_p_values recommended. Will be removed in v3.0. all_scores_ (ndarray): The fraction of a cell's cluster that is synthetic doublets. Shape (n_iters, num_cells). communities_ (ndarray): Cluster ID for corresponding cell. Shape (n_iters, num_cells). labels_ (ndarray, ndims=1): 0 for singlet, 1 for detected doublet. parents_ (list of sequences of int): Parent cells' indexes for each synthetic doublet. A list wrapping the results from each run. suggested_score_cutoff_ (float): Cutoff used to classify cells when n_iters == 1 (scores >= cutoff). Not produced when n_iters > 1. synth_communities_ (sequence of ints): Cluster ID for corresponding synthetic doublet. Shape (n_iters, num_cells * boost_rate). top_var_genes_ (ndarray): Indices of the n_top_var_genes used. Not generated if n_top_var_genes <= 0. voting_average_ (ndarray): Fraction of iterations each cell is called a doublet. """ def __init__( self, boost_rate=0.25, n_components=30, n_top_var_genes=10000, replace=False, use_phenograph=True, phenograph_parameters={"prune": True}, n_iters=25, normalizer=None, random_state=0, verbose=False, standard_scaling=False, ): self.boost_rate = boost_rate self.replace = replace self.use_phenograph = use_phenograph self.n_iters = n_iters self.normalizer = normalizer self.random_state = random_state self.verbose = verbose self.standard_scaling = standard_scaling if self.random_state: np.random.seed(self.random_state) if n_components == 30 and n_top_var_genes > 0: # If user did not change n_components, silently cap it by n_top_var_genes if needed self.n_components = min(n_components, n_top_var_genes) else: self.n_components = n_components # Floor negative n_top_var_genes by 0 self.n_top_var_genes = max(0, n_top_var_genes) if use_phenograph is True: if "prune" not in phenograph_parameters: phenograph_parameters["prune"] = True if ("verbosity" not in phenograph_parameters) and (not self.verbose): phenograph_parameters["verbosity"] = 1 self.phenograph_parameters = phenograph_parameters if (self.n_iters == 1) and (phenograph_parameters.get("prune") is True): warn_msg = ( "Using phenograph parameter prune=False is strongly recommended when " + "running only one iteration. Otherwise, expect many NaN labels." ) warnings.warn(warn_msg) if not self.replace and self.boost_rate > 0.5: warn_msg = ( "boost_rate is trimmed to 0.5 when replace=False." + " Set replace=True to use greater boost rates." ) warnings.warn(warn_msg) self.boost_rate = 0.5 assert (self.n_top_var_genes == 0) or ( self.n_components <= self.n_top_var_genes ), "n_components={0} cannot be larger than n_top_var_genes={1}".format( n_components, n_top_var_genes )
[docs] def fit(self, raw_counts): """Fits the classifier on raw_counts. Args: raw_counts (array-like): Count matrix, oriented cells by genes. Sets: all_scores_, all_p_values_, all_log_p_values_, communities_, top_var_genes, parents, synth_communities Returns: The fitted classifier. """ raw_counts = check_array( raw_counts, accept_sparse="csr", force_all_finite=True, ensure_2d=True, dtype="float32", ) if sp_sparse.issparse(raw_counts) is not True: if self.verbose: print("Sparsifying matrix.") raw_counts = csr_matrix(raw_counts) if self.n_top_var_genes > 0: if self.n_top_var_genes < raw_counts.shape[1]: gene_variances = ( np.array(raw_counts.power(2).mean(axis=0)) - (np.array(raw_counts.mean(axis=0))) ** 2 )[0] top_var_indexes = np.argsort(gene_variances) self.top_var_genes_ = top_var_indexes[-self.n_top_var_genes :] # csc if faster for column indexing raw_counts = raw_counts.tocsc() raw_counts = raw_counts[:, self.top_var_genes_] raw_counts = raw_counts.tocsr() self._raw_counts = raw_counts (self._num_cells, self._num_genes) = self._raw_counts.shape if self.normalizer is None: # Memoize these; default normalizer treats these invariant for all synths self._lib_size = np.sum(raw_counts, axis=1).A1 self._normed_raw_counts = self._raw_counts.copy() inplace_csr_row_normalize_l1(self._normed_raw_counts) self.all_scores_ = np.zeros((self.n_iters, self._num_cells)) self.all_log_p_values_ = np.zeros((self.n_iters, self._num_cells)) all_communities = np.zeros((self.n_iters, self._num_cells)) all_parents = [] all_synth_communities = np.zeros( (self.n_iters, int(self.boost_rate * self._num_cells)) ) for i in tqdm(range(self.n_iters)): if self.verbose: print("Iteration {:3}/{}".format(i + 1, self.n_iters)) self.all_scores_[i], self.all_log_p_values_[i] = self._one_fit() all_communities[i] = self.communities_ all_parents.append(self.parents_) all_synth_communities[i] = self.synth_communities_ # Release unneeded large data vars del self._raw_counts del self._norm_counts del self._raw_synthetics del self._synthetics if self.normalizer is None: del self._normed_raw_counts del self._lib_size self.communities_ = all_communities self.parents_ = all_parents self.synth_communities_ = all_synth_communities self.all_p_values_ = np.exp(self.all_log_p_values_) return self
[docs] def predict(self, p_thresh=1e-7, voter_thresh=0.9): """Produce doublet calls from fitted classifier Args: p_thresh (float, optional): hypergeometric test p-value threshold that determines per iteration doublet calls voter_thresh (float, optional): fraction of iterations a cell must be called a doublet Sets: labels_ and voting_average_ if n_iters > 1. labels_ and suggested_score_cutoff_ if n_iters == 1. Returns: labels_ (ndarray, ndims=1): 0 for singlet, 1 for detected doublet """ log_p_thresh = np.log(p_thresh) if self.n_iters > 1: with np.errstate( invalid="ignore" ): # Silence numpy warning about NaN comparison self.voting_average_ = np.mean( <= log_p_thresh, axis=0 ) self.labels_ = (self.voting_average_ >= voter_thresh).astype(float), np.nan ) self.voting_average_ =, np.nan) else: # Find a cutoff score potential_cutoffs = np.unique(self.all_scores_[~np.isnan(self.all_scores_)]) if len(potential_cutoffs) > 1: max_dropoff = ( np.argmax(potential_cutoffs[1:] - potential_cutoffs[:-1]) + 1 ) else: # Most likely pathological dataset, only one (or no) clusters max_dropoff = 0 self.suggested_score_cutoff_ = potential_cutoffs[max_dropoff] with np.errstate( invalid="ignore" ): # Silence numpy warning about NaN comparison self.labels_ = self.all_scores_[0, :] >= self.suggested_score_cutoff_ self.labels_[np.isnan(self.all_scores_)[0, :]] = np.nan return self.labels_
def _one_fit(self): if self.verbose: print("\nCreating synthetic doublets...") self._createDoublets() # Normalize combined augmented set if self.verbose: print("Normalizing...") if self.normalizer is not None: aug_counts = self.normalizer( sp_sparse.vstack((self._raw_counts, self._raw_synthetics)) ) else: # Follows doubletdetection.plot.normalize_counts, but uses memoized normed raw_counts synth_lib_size = np.sum(self._raw_synthetics, axis=1).A1 aug_lib_size = np.concatenate([self._lib_size, synth_lib_size]) normed_synths = self._raw_synthetics.copy() inplace_csr_row_normalize_l1(normed_synths) aug_counts = sp_sparse.vstack((self._normed_raw_counts, normed_synths)) aug_counts = np.log(aug_counts.A * np.median(aug_lib_size) + 0.1) self._norm_counts = aug_counts[: self._num_cells] self._synthetics = aug_counts[self._num_cells :] aug_counts = anndata.AnnData(aug_counts) aug_counts.obs["n_counts"] = aug_lib_size if self.standard_scaling is True: sc.pp.scale(aug_counts, max_value=15) if self.verbose: print("Running PCA..."), n_comps=self.n_components, random_state=self.random_state) if self.verbose: print("Clustering augmented data set...\n") if self.use_phenograph: fullcommunities, _, _ = phenograph.cluster( aug_counts.obsm["X_pca"], **self.phenograph_parameters ) else: sc.pp.neighbors( aug_counts, random_state=self.random_state, method="umap", n_neighbors=10, ) aug_counts, random_state=self.random_state, resolution=4, directed=False ) fullcommunities = np.array(aug_counts.obs["louvain"], dtype=int) min_ID = min(fullcommunities) self.communities_ = fullcommunities[: self._num_cells] self.synth_communities_ = fullcommunities[self._num_cells :] community_sizes = [ np.count_nonzero(fullcommunities == i) for i in np.unique(fullcommunities) ] if self.verbose: print( "Found clusters [{0}, ... {2}], with sizes: {1}\n".format( min(fullcommunities), community_sizes, max(fullcommunities) ) ) # Count number of fake doublets in each community and assign score # Number of synth/orig cells in each cluster. synth_cells_per_comm = collections.Counter(self.synth_communities_) orig_cells_per_comm = collections.Counter(self.communities_) community_IDs = orig_cells_per_comm.keys() community_scores = { i: float(synth_cells_per_comm[i]) / (synth_cells_per_comm[i] + orig_cells_per_comm[i]) for i in community_IDs } scores = np.array([community_scores[i] for i in self.communities_]) community_log_p_values = { i: hypergeom.logsf( synth_cells_per_comm[i], aug_counts.shape[0], self._synthetics.shape[0], synth_cells_per_comm[i] + orig_cells_per_comm[i], ) for i in community_IDs } log_p_values = np.array([community_log_p_values[i] for i in self.communities_]) if min_ID < 0: scores[self.communities_ == -1] = np.nan log_p_values[self.communities_ == -1] = np.nan return scores, log_p_values def _createDoublets(self): """Create synthetic doublets. Sets .parents_ """ # Number of synthetic doublets to add num_synths = int(self.boost_rate * self._num_cells) # Parent indices choices = np.random.choice( self._num_cells, size=(num_synths, 2), replace=self.replace ) parents = [list(p) for p in choices] parent0 = self._raw_counts[choices[:, 0], :] parent1 = self._raw_counts[choices[:, 1], :] synthetic = parent0 + parent1 self._raw_synthetics = synthetic self.parents_ = parents